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The PAMAS S40 AVTUR is a portable particle counter for the analysis of turbine fuels, petrol and diesel. The S40 AVTUR has its own device-specific analysis method that has derived from the Energy Institute London, namely IP 577. The S40 AVTUR instrument fully complies with DEFSTAN 91-091 and IP 630 (formerly IP PM FA). A wear resistant ceramic piston pump guarantees a constant flow. With a simple-to-use touch screen user interface, operation is easy and intuitive. The system is equipped with an integrated battery for more than three hours operation and a data storage of more than 4000 measurements. The samples can be taken from bottles without pressure or pressurised up to 6 bar. Real time sample measurement data can be printed during the analysis and also be revisited and printed at anytime at a later date.


  • Online measurements at pressure-less systems
  • Offline measurement using sample bottle (laboratory mode)
  • Long-term analysis
  • Bypass filtration monitoring
  • Filter verification

Standards and methods

ISO 11171 ISO 4402 ISO 4406 SAE AS4059 NAS 1638 GOST 17216
CHARN* GJB 420B GJB 420A NAVAIR 01-1A-17* SAE 749D* ISO/DIS 11218.2*
IP 577 IP 630 
DEF STAN 91-091 ASTM D7619 ISO 11500 EN 590

*in connection with PAMAS PMA software

Particle sensor: PAMAS HCB-LD-50/50

Max. particle concentration: 60.000 particles per ml at 7.8 % coincidence 
Nominal flow rate: 25 ml/min 


Download S40: used to transfer stored measurements to a PC
PAMAS CMDM: Condition Monitoring Data Manager
PAMAS PMA: Particle Measuring and Analysing Software


Device with similar application


PAMAS Partikelmess- und Analysesysteme GmbH
Dieselstraße 10
D-71277 Rutesheim / Deutschland

Phone +49 7152 9963-0
Fax +49 7152 9963-32
E-Mail info@pamas.de