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Syringe Bottle Sampling System for Water Glycol

The PAMAS SBSS WG is a particle counting system for bottle samples. The system is adequate for the measurement of water based hydraulic fluids (Water-Glycol) used in the off shore industry. The instrument may be programmed to measure a sample without the need of an operator, like pre-filling the internal dead volume, degassing the sample with vacuum, pressurising the sample for a number of measurement runs, and relieving pressure at the end. High accuracy and repeatability, fast purging and back flush possibility are the key benefits of the system. It can be used as “stand alone” instrument or controlled by the software PAMAS PMA for the analysis of measuring results in most common quality standards.


  • water based hydraulic fluids
  • Subsea Christmas tree and wellhead assemblies
  • Hydraulic-Power-Units
  • Hydraulic Accumulators
  • Subsea Umbilicals
  • Hydraulic valves and control systems

Standards and methods

ISO 11171 ISO 4402 ISO 21501-3 ISO 4406 SAE AS4059 NAS 1638
ISO 11500          


max. 1600 cSt with optional high pressure pump or with external pressure supply

Volumetric particle sensors

Size range:
1 - 400 µm with calibration according to ISO 21501
1 - 100 µm with calibration according to ISO 4402
4 - 70 µm(c) with calibration according to ISO 11171
Max. particle concentration: 24,000 p/ml at a flow rate of 25 ml/min and a coincidence quote of 7.8%

Size range:
1 - 200 µm with calibration according to ISO 21501
1 - 100 µm with calibration according to ISO 4402
4 - 70 µm(c) with calibration according to ISO 11171
Max. particle concentration: 120,000 p/ml at a flow rate of 25 ml/min and a coincidence quote of 7.8%


Device with similar application


PAMAS Partikelmess- und Analysesysteme GmbH
Dieselstraße 10
D-71277 Rutesheim / Deutschland

Phone +49 7152 9963-0
Fax +49 7152 9963-32
E-Mail info@pamas.de

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